Harvest Christian School International


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NOTE: Because of the strict requirements of TESDA regarding training periods, the following policies are here by imposed:

1. Students should stick to the training duration they have chosen–no changes in training duration is allowed once thetraining has started.The training is modular in nature through email. Your assigned tutor will send you the trainingmodulestogether with the exam sheets/worksheets through email. The student studies themodule and answer examsheets/worksheets and submit it to his/hertutor through email for review and checking then proceed to the next moduleuntilcompletion.

2.TesolCertificate will be dated on the date of its completion as reported to TESDA. It will be issued within seven (7)to ten(10)workingdays after the end of the training.This means that if the student has chosen the 6 months training duration, thestudent can only be issued his/her tesol certificate afterthesix (6) months has ended.;if the student has chosen three (3)months duration, then the student can only be issued his/her tesol certificate after the 3 months has ended; and ifthe studentstudent has chosen one (1)monthduration, then the student can only be issued his/her tesol certificate afterone(1)monthhas ended.The online course of the school is modular in naturebut the student has to finish the course within the chosenmonth (s) duration

3. Special Order (SO) Numberfor the TESOLgraduateswill be appliedwith TESDAwithin fifteen(15) to thirty (30) calendardays from the completion of training indicatedin the terminal report toTESDA